Friday, 14 June 2013

Gifffft Hill School Student Grows Record Scotch Bonnet

By Iggy Wana, Gardening Editor
Twelfth-grader, Herbert Farmer, has brought in a 103.2-pound Scotch bonnet.  This was a record for a still green, Caribbean-variety of a hot chili pepper.

Under the guidance of the plant whisperer Doctor Dade, Sister Sara and interns from Cornville Community College with their EARTH (Eat A Radish That’s Hot) program, Herb was happy to grow a gigantic, practically inedible pepper.

He potted seeds that he got from Josephine Holy in a soilless mix and then fought off the pearly-eyed thrashers, katydids, leaf miners, white flies, powdery mildew, soft scale, hard scale, hard disk viruses, software bugs, computer worms, pigs, donkeys, iguanas, deer, goats and park rangers to name just a few pests.

The single pepper grew over a period of two years to reach the Super-Duper-Whopper size.  This is the size category designated by the Goodness-Gracious Book of World Records.

Because of its unusually large size and long growing time, it is estimated that this Scotch bonnet will read 100,000,000 to 350,000,000 on the Scoville scale.  For comparison, most jalapeƱo peppers have a heat rating of 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville units.  This pepper would leave a ring of fire on every table it graced.

Niles Chair, “Chair”man of the Gifffft Hill School Bored, said that as part of the EARTH program students prepared hors d'oeuvres using a smaller, quarter-pounder Scotch bonnet.  “When they cut the pepper, there was a mushroom-shaped cloud and sinuses were cleared at Skinny’s, 6.2 Tuff miles upwind.”

As part of the GffffHS Seed2Table project, Herb coolly sold the hot pepper to Ronald Klunkerberg who owns Klunkerberg Pizza in Cruz Bay.  “Nothing is inedible,” said Klunkerberg.  He is a widely-recognized expert in these matters.

Herb Farmer has now graduated, but the money he raised goes to the Gifffft Hill School to buy seeds to cover the island with hot peppers… and probably Christmas holly and catch ‘n’ keep.

Heard in the Street
Isn’t it always the way… wealthy Winnebago heiress Elsa Engle won the 155-million-dollar Virgin Lottery.
The Office of Virgin Lottery emphatically denies that they cannot find the $155,000,000.

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